English and Literature Department Goes to Milad

  • 13 Januari 2021
  • 12:32 WITA
  • Administrator
  • Berita

On May 2017 English and Literature Department is going to celebrate the 17th Anniversary. Many preparation are being prepared by students association of English and Literature Department. Supported by students of English and Literature Department in formatting the commetee which consist of the 15th and 16th generations of English and Literature students. They are also gathering donation for the success of the 17th Anniversary. As far as the preparation are prepared, there is no clear information about how the 17th Anniversary of English and Literature Department will be celebrate. But it will certainly be merrier than usual, because on this sweet seventeenth, English and Literature Department is going to step to the enlightenment. Perhaps, it will be a new beginning for English and Literature Department to improve their quality to be better, to be the best. Then, by way of that, English and Literature Department will be able to produce the excellent human resources.

     The 17th Anniversary of English and Literature Department is also able to be an event for students to show their talent even their not English and Literature students. Because, students association of English and Literature Department make same event like Culture contest consist of three games Asing-asing, Bakiak, and Pattappu’ layang-layang and the next will be Literature contest like make poetry, and story telling. It is like first step before the night ceremony. All of students in English and Literature departments wait for 17th Anniversary celebration and they do hope English and Literature Department will be much better.

By means of the improving of quality performance, such as facilities and academic services for students. English and Literature Department will be able to give satisfaction to the students, and making our English and Literature Department become the best place for learning English. Hopefully, the 17th Anniversary of English and Literature Department by the theme “Magnificent of Art in Literature and Culture “ will be a push in learning and understanding English.

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