HIMAJIP Held Seminar on Librarianship

  • 13 Januari 2021
  • 12:32 WITA
  • Administrator
  • Berita

UIN Online - Library Science Student Association (HIMAJIP) of Adab and Humanities Faculty (FAH) of State Islamic University (UIN) Alauddin Makassar held a national seminar. This activity took the theme "The Transformation of Indonesian Librarianship in Reformation Era".

This activity took place in the Auditorium of UIN Alauddin, Gowa. The committee presented four speakers, they are, Drs. Tafiqurrahman, MM., the Head of Regional Library; Dr. Abdul Najib, M.Lib., the Head of Hasanuddin University Unit library; Nilma, S.Sos., the Chief of the Indonesian Librarian of South Sulawesi; and Tulus Wulan Juni, S.Sos., the best Librarian of South Sulawesi.

In addition to the seminar, the event was also coupled with three related activities for two days. Those activities were the stage of literacy, book discussion, meeting of library and information students from eastern Indonesia.

The chief of the Alumni Association of Library Science Department, Irsan, said that the series of events aimed to show the intellectual tradition through literacy. He further added that the meeting of librarians intended to advance the profession of librarians.