• 13 Januari 2021
  • 12:32 WITA
  • Administrator
  • Berita

English language laboratory in the faculty of Adab and Humanities have now undergone a change. English language laboratory which was originally on the 4th floor of the Faculty of Adab and Humanities has now moved in a large class room on the 3rd floor. With the removal of the laboratory, the English Language Laboratory in the Faculty of Adab has undergone changes both in terms of facilities and infrastructure as well as the functional use of the laboratory.

One of them is the completion of the laboratory with AC (Air-Conditioner) which makes the atmosphere of the room becomes more fun in the on-going learning process in the room. Thus this information is very pleasant news for Laboratory users. In addition to that the wider Laboratory room conditions than the previous Laboratory can also trigger such exciting conditions.
The laboratory is also used by students and lecturers to carry out the teaching and learning process even though the subject matter does not need to use the Computer. English Language and Literature students and lecturers have the authority to use them while maintaining the facilities in the laboratory.

By: Dzul Fitrah, Evi Anatasya, Irsyadul Ikhsan, Syarfaeni Yachsan