How clean Alauddin State Islamic University Makassar?

  • 13 Januari 2021
  • 12:32 WITA
  • Administrator
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Talking about Alauddin Islamic State Makassar, especially in the yard a glance judgement can be showed that the university is clean and healthy. Based on the fact The location of the university so far from society activity and still have natural environment but,it’s just stop as opinion and dream. Specifically,In every corner of the university, It will make some people shock. Too dirty including beside of Adab and humanities faculty.Actually the name or the title theuniversity as a Islamic campus, it’s not proper that has a dirty campus. The head of university must explicit to apply about cleanness or make some program and regulation about cleanness . As collage students also should be aware about the problem. Several student can not rely on the cleaning service because although they cleaning everyday but the students haven’t aware about the problem, it’s can not be clear.

The solution is about the explicit of our beloved the head of university and our awareness as students of  islamic  university. Let makes Adab and humanities faculty become clean and healthy, let makes this Islamic university become one of the best in Makassar.


Writer:  Dina Almunawarah , Atirah dwini astrinita , Nur reski amalia.