The New Building Build Social Brotherhood

  • 13 Januari 2021
  • 12:32 WITA
  • Administrator
  • Berita

The New Building

As we know that alauddin state Islamic university of Makassar has two location lecturing, the first campus located on Alauddin, while the second campus located in Samata,Gowa on H.M Yasin limpo street. There are so many reason or factors why the first campus is not operated , because the first campus or alauddin campus has anxciety building, demaged of facility, not available library room, computer room, musholla, and beside that expecially does not have lecture room. It’s very difference with condition and situation in samata campus, Because Samata campus has complete area like:Football ceremony, Futsal, and etc. also with several buildings like:Library University, CBP Building, Musholla, and superiority from samata campus, because all of the lectures and head of university stay office in Samata campus.

In September 2016 untill February 2017, Alauddin state Islamic university Makassar was built 3 new buildings, those are building  A located in dormitory PIBA, while buildings B & C located in the right side of dormitory PIBA. These building have been different with previously buildings, like shape of building, colour, and the faculty of building. Every a building has many classroom, counted 28 rooms, and the classroom more broad, and the chairs made from wood and every floor each have 7 classrooms and the sicnificantly difference that 1 toilet have 5 rooms inside toilet and complete with big mirror & westafel, its difference with previously building just have 2 rooms inside toilet. But the parking area not enough for all students and lectures. Although in the New Building not only for one faculty, but for other faculty, economy & bussines of islam faculty and specially adab and humanities faculty so the building can build feeling brotherhood.


Written By: Satriani, Andi Rezki Amelia, And Muzrini Rahman