The Governor of South Sulawesi and the Initiator of Posdaya KKN Will Be the Presenters

  • 13 Januari 2021
  • 12:32 WITA
  • Administrator
  • Berita

UIN Online - Soon, UIN Alauddin will send the students to the regions again in order to carry out Field Work Experience/Internship (KKN), as a series of study completion requirements .

In the internship briefing which was originally held on February 20 to 22, Baharuddin, S.Pd.I, the executive committee of KKN, will re-invite the Governor of South Sulawesi, Dr. Syahrul Yasin Limpo, as well as the iniator of Posdaya KKN, Prof. Dr. Haryono Suyono. "Like last year, we will invite them as the speakers." He said.

Related to the postponement of internship briefing previously scheduled on February 17 to 20, Baharuddin explaines that this is because one of the nine regencies that will be the locations of UIN Alauddin internship Participants, namely Takalar has not provided the location clarity yet. "There are two regencies that previously have not provided location they are Gowa and Takalar. However, Gowa regency has provided location clarity recently" he explained when we met him in his office. Thursday (02/13).

The locations given by the local government, according to Baharuddin, will be used to conduct location survey by the supervisors. "So, the supervisor will conduct a survey in the locations first." he added.

Related to the departure schedule, Baharuddin said that he could not ascertain the exact date. However, the departure will be one week after the internship briefing typically.