Today on July 18, 2012, Junaid (student of English And Literature Dept.) Presents thesis draff in front of the examiners. The title of thesisThe Alalysis of Co Operative Principle in Jakarta Post by using Grice's Theory. He discloses his
background that News is one of the impotant part in human's life because without news, we wil not know what has hapened aroud us. Nowadays, many mass media help us to get more information, for example television, radio, newspaper, magazine and also internet. These mass media have advantages and disadvabtages. Nevertheless, the writer only focuses on one of them, newspaper as an object because newspaper gives more deail information and the readers can read it anywhere.
Based on explanation above the he was interested in analyzing the text of Jakarta post by using Grice's co-operative principle. With problem statemen What maxims are disobeyed in the text of Jakarta Post?. how is the appication of Grice's co operative principle in the text of Jakarta Post.